千張卷餅 Tofu Sheet burritos


In Asian cousin, there are lots of Tofu products. However, Tofu Sheet is one of the stuff I have never heard of or seen before. My friend from Taiwan gave me a pack as a gift, but I didn’t know how to use it. Later, I found a Taiwanese low carb dieting group on FB. They all talk about Tofu Sheet a lot, and I realize that how amazing and incredible this is. It is a low carb and high protein product.


There are a lot of ways to use the Tofu sheet. I tried to make a omelet burrito. I mixed some corns in the eggs. Then, I put on two sheets of Tofu Sheet on top of it. I also roll in some sliced veggies and fruits and sprinkle some Veggie seasoned crunch in it.

材料!但是就看你冰箱手邊有的材料加進去就可以了! These are the ingredients I put in, but you can put whatever you have on hand. Be improvised!
Tofu Sheet is quite thin like a piece of paper.
我用了Trader Joe’s 的但,猜猜看我用了幾顆! I used the Jumbo eggs from Trader Joe’s…Guess how many eggs I have used?
Answer~ I used only 3 eggs
我加了玉米粒在蛋裡!I used some corns in the eggs
用胡椒和鹽來調味! Seasoned with Salt and pepper
入鍋煎蛋 Pan fried the egg mix
Then put 2 sheets of Tofu Sheet on top 放兩張千張在蛋上
煎好換面,Flip over to cook on the other side
Threaded lettuce and apples.. 我放了一些生菜和蘋果絲
也可以放紅蘿蔔絲和碗豆苗 You can also put in some string carrots and peas sprouts
Alfafa is a great option too! 苜蓿苗也不錯
可以用保鮮膜或是烘焙紙捲起來!Either parchment papers or Saran wraps work great to wrap up the Tofu sheet burritos
There you have a low carb but yummy and nutritious Tofu Sheet burritos! 這就是一餐低醣營養有好吃的一餐~很適合當早餐或是帶便當!