叉燒肉 港式、夏威夷式作法比一比 Char-Siu Hong Kong Style V.S. Hawaiian Style


Char-Siu is originally from Hong Kong and Canton area. There are so many immigrants from HK and Canton China all over the world. Therefore, we can see many Chinese Restaurants and street food in the Cantonese Style. Char-Siu is for sure one of the most popular dish!


I spent my college life in Hawaii (oh~ How I miss it!). It is like second home to me! Because there were lots of Chinese immigrants there working at the plantations, they also brought the traditional dish from home. Besides the Chinese, there were also people from Japan, Korea, Filippins, Portugal, and other islands..etc. Therefore, the food is a total melting pot to represents all the cultures.


Char-Siu is often found in the fried rice, fried noodles, and Char-Siu Bao (managua). I found that the Char-Siu is sweeter and more red in Hawaii.

所以,我就做了兩種叉燒肉來比較看看!So, I decided to make both kinds and compare!

我用了夏威夷產的中式叉燒烤肉調料粉醃了一半的豬肉(我用了豬肩頰肉)I am using this Hawaiian styled Chinese BBQ Char-Siu mix to marinate half of the meat ( I used Pork Shoulder meat)

然後,我用了有名的李錦記叉燒醬醃了另一半的豬肩頰肉。Then, I used the Lee Kum Kee Char-Siu sauce to marinate the other half of the meat.

根據醬料上的比例,我用了三磅的豬肉腌了兩包的夏威夷中式叉燒烤肉調料粉,記得要把豬肉切成大塊的長條狀,這樣之後烤了上色切片才好看. 用保鮮袋把調好的調料粉和切好的豬肉條裝好,放在冰箱入味一個晚上

According to the Hawaiian styled Chinese BBQ Char-Siu mix, I have cut 3 Lbs of the pork into long big chunk shape (it will be better to get the sauce and easy to cut into desired sliced size). I used 2 packs of the mix to marinate the cut pork and sealed in a ziplock bag in the fridge over night.


Again, I did the same thing with the rest of the meat. I used the Lee Kum Kee Char-Siu sauce to marinate the other half of the meat in the ziplock bag in the fridge overnight.

醃製了一個晚上拿出來放在鋪好烘焙紙的烤盤上,在烤箱上 華氏 350 度 (攝氏177度)烤20 分鐘,翻面再烤 20 分鐘,然後塗上蜂蜜在烤上4~5分鐘

After one night of marinating in the fridge, take the meat out on a baking pan with parchment paper and bake at 350 F (177 C) for 20 minutes. Turn to other side and bake for another 20 minutes. At the end, brush up some honey and bake for another 4-5 minutes.

Keep the exceeding juice from the marinate in the bag for making the Char-Siu filling. 記得留下醃料的醬汁,還可以做叉燒包內餡的醬汁噢!

烤好拿出來放涼五分鐘在切片。Take it out of oven and let it cool for 5 minutes before slicing into bite size.

成品!請視吃!Final product! Yummy!

My quality control team! 我的品管是吃小組!哈