宏都拉斯菜 -馬拉馬甕 Honduran Dish – Marmahon

We got to know this amazing family from Honduras because our kids were in the same class. Their oldest son served mission in Taiwan. Then, we decided to do a Chinese Celebration together…..


I brought the ingredients to make dumplings to their home….Then we all make dumplings together. It was a fun and fast process to wrap up dumplings with so many helpers! Even missionaries who were visiting their family got to learn how to make dumplings too!


有人沒在包,假裝當監工!哈哈 I spotted someone not making the dumplings…just pretended supervising! Lol
Not bad at all for the first try! 第一次包就上手喔!
Yay, we have some good variety here in both dishes and ethnicity! 今晚很多元化喔!人種跟菜色都很多元!

So, my friend made this amazing Honduran dish called Marmahon (its in Spanish). It tasted like lightly seasoned curry chicken rice….but it is actually little pastas. They told me that the dish was Arabic inspired Honduran dish. There were a tribe of Arabic people migrated to Honduras a long time ago. Even the Arabic language is not using in Honduras now, the flavorful dish has kept going still. My kids LOVE this dish….so I begged my friend to share her secret recipe! lol! So, I hope you all enjoy it too!


煮了水餃和煎餃!I cooked the dumplings in both ways ~ frying and boiling
吃到一半才記得拍照~以前沒吃過不知道這麼好吃!I forgot to take a picture of this dish till half way.
Flan for dessert! 南美洲的甜點跟台灣的焦糖布丁有點像
我們暑假都會幫他們照顧狗狗!很乖很可愛的狗狗!We have been dog sitting their cute dog in the past summers. She is such a good behaved adorable dog!



  • 1 lb shredded chicken or cut up chicken with bones 
  • 1 lb marmahon (acini di pepe pasta) 
  • ½ cup butter 
  • 1 ½ cup chopped carrots 
  • 1 ½ cup chopped sweet peppers (a mix of green, red & yellow) 
  • 1 cup chopped celery 
  • ½ cup chopped onions 
  • 5 garlic cloves (minced) 
  • 5 cups chicken broth 
  • Salt, pepper, curry, ginger, worcestershire sauce, and ketchup to taste 


Melt butter in large deep skillet or pan, add marmahon and sauté for 3 minutes. Add chopped veggies and sauté another 3 minutes. Add spices and broth. Cover pan with lid and cook for about 15 minutes stirring occasionally. When marmahon is almost done and still has liquid, add the chicken. Stir, cover, remove from heat and let stand for about 5 minutes

This is the tiny pasta! 這就是那個小小一粒一粒的麵



  • 一磅(約0.45公斤)的煮熟雞肉絲 (還記得我之前說咖死扣賣的烤雞嗎?)
  • 一磅 的小小一粒一粒的麵 (如上圖)
  • 1/2量杯的奶油
  • 1 1/2 杯切塊的紅蘿蔔
  • 1 1/2杯切塊的彩椒 (紅色、綠色、黃色、橘色的彩椒)
  • 1 杯切塊的西洋芹菜
  • 1/2杯切小丁的洋蔥
  • 5 粒蒜頭切末
  • 5杯雞湯
  • 鹽、黑胡椒粉、咖哩粉、A1牛排醬、番茄醬 調味

