手做黑糖珍珠 Homemade Boba drink( bubble drink)


Boba Drink was invented in Taiwan! It is one of the most popular and famous drinks in Taiwan. My kids grew up in US, but they all love Boba drink so much. Since we don’t drink tea, we just subside it with milk.

小孩現在自己想吃就會自己動手做!在家做的比較有趣也比較健康衛生!Kids tried making it today from scratch! It is always more fun and safer to make it at home.

我們是參考網路的做法比例,但是其實目測大概就好! We found some recipes on line…. but really just eye measure is totally fine too!


  • 樹薯粉 100 克
  • 滾水 65 克
  • 黑糖 45 克


  • 把黑糖加入水裡煮滾
  • 把粉放入一個耐熱容器
  • 煮滾的黑糖水立刻沖到粉裡,趕快攪拌!粉遇到熱水會黏稠
  • 攪拌均勻,竟量不要有粉塊
  • 如果太濕就多加點粉,太乾就加點水
  • 成塊不沾手就把麵團桿平約1公分厚度
  • 切成小塊狀,用手戳成圓球狀
  • 另起一鍋煮滾水,把做好的粉圓丟下去煮
  • 不用煮太久,全部煮滾浮起,稍微再煮個3~5分鐘珍珠透明即可
  • 將多餘的水瀝掉,拌入黑糖
  • 把煮好的黑糖珍珠放入杯子,倒入牛奶即可享用


  • Tapioca Starch 100 g
  • Boiling water 65 g
  • Dark Brown sugar 45 g

How to:

  • Put all the Dark Brown sugar in the water and boil it in a pot
  • place the Tapioca Starch in a heat resistant container
  • Pour in boiling water and sugar mixture into Tapioca Starch and mix it right away
  • make sure you mix the mixture really fast and well. try not to have too many lumps.
  • if it is too dry, you can add a bit more water while you knead the dough. Or more Tapioca Starch if it is too moist.
  • roll out the mixed dough with a rolling pin….into about half inch thick
  • cut it into small pieces
  • use your hands to shape a small piece into a round shape
  • Take another pot to bring water to boil
  • dump in all the handmade bobas in the boil water
  • bring it to boil again…. the bobas are done when they float up(make sure you stir while it is cooking, so then the bobas won’t stick to the pot)
  • drain all the extra water
  • Mix in more dark brown sugar in the cooked bobas
  • scoop desired amount of bobas into a glass
  • pour some milk into the glass and enjoy it!