港式蘿蔔糕 Hong Kong Style Turnip cakes

蘿蔔糕不僅是過年必做的經典年菜單品之一! 也是華人最愛點心之一! 對我來講也有濃濃的對過年的回憶。我們家很喜歡吃飲茶,每次都必須要點幾份蘿蔔糕。 台灣傳統的蘿蔔糕是純米加上白蘿蔔做成的,單純是吃在來米及白蘿蔔的香氣,但是我喜歡料多的港式蘿蔔糕更勝一籌,裡面的香菇、蝦米、及臘腸讓蘿蔔糕更升級了!

The turnip rice cake is one of the classic Chinese New Year dishes! It is also one of the most popular dishes in the Chinese culture. To me, it also brought back lots of childhood memories of family gathering during Chinese New Year. We love eating out at the dim sum places, and we always have to order some of these babies for sure! In Taiwan, turnip rice cakes are usually just made out of long rice and daikon( White long Asian radishes/ turnips) only. People enjoy the simple and original flavor of the rice and daikon. However, I personally like the Hong Kong Style turnip rice cakes more. With dried mushrooms, dried shrimps, and aged Cantonese style sausages, the turnip rice cakes are more flavorful and fragrant.

My grandma’s house 外婆家
the small alley to head to the fields 通往田地的小巷弄
懷念的灶! Traditional brick stove!


When I was little, we love going to my grandma’s house(my mom’s mom) for Chinese New Year. In traditional Chinese Culture, daughters who have married can only return home to celebrate Chinese New Year on the second day of the new year. My mom has 4 younger sisters. Therefore, the 2nd day of the new year has been the funnest gathering day during the celebration for my family. My 2nd aunt and her family lives with my grandparents in the country side of Taiwan called Tien-Wei in Chuang Hwa County. My aunt would take soaked rice with water to the neighbor who has the machine to grind those rice into rice milk. Then, the kids are other adults would go to the fields to pull some Daikon like the old style way. Since we live in the city, it was so new and fun to me. But being said….I didn’t know how to pull the daikons out properly. I asked my cousins to help me. We had to pull so hard for a while……Then, finally, we got it pulled out. But then we found out the huge daikon was still in the ground and we failed off to the ditch in the field with only tiny bit of the daikon head in my hand. Oh…. that was so hilarious. I wish we had phone with Data to go live and show all of you! Then back to the kitchen, my grandma and my aunt would do the magic work to make the Taiwanese style turnip rice cake with the old fashion stove that used wood and sticks to make fire. Since we came all the way from Taipei, we would stay in my grandma’s house for the rest of the winter break. The rest of other relatives would go home with the freshly made turnip rice cakes. That’s how conservative Chinese people show their love to the loved ones. How I miss the time to celebrate Chinese New Year with my family!

Ingredients 材料
My cat supervisor ! 我的貓咪監工!哈哈
作法!The instruction is in the the back of the package! However, I have adjusted a little bit to lessen the water. I have followed it before and made it too watery. 500g of rice flour (a full pack), and one big stick of Daikon about 600 g. 600 cc of water to cook the daikon, and 700 cc of water to mix with the rice flour. Follow the steps with photos below). 1 cc = 1 g


一包500克的再來米粉,用700 CC的水調勻成米漿以後備用,炒準備好的配料還有蘿蔔絲600克和水600 CC煮熟。

1 CC = 1 克

Soaked dried mushrooms, dried shrimps and sausages into hot water. 把香菇,蝦米,還有臘腸泡熱水
把白蘿蔔削皮切小準備刨絲。 peeled the daikon and cut into smaller pieces to be shredded.
My biggest helper for making the turnip rice cakes. 食物處理機真的是做蘿蔔糕的好幫手啊!
Drained the water and minced the sausages 把水瀝掉然後把臘腸切小丁
蝦米也是! Do the same thing to the dried shrimps
香菇也是!Same as the dried mushrooms
起油鍋爆香蝦米,香菇,臘腸丁還有油蔥酥! Saute the minced dried shrimps, mushrooms, sausages and fried shallots(onions)
Then pour 1200 g of the shredded daikon and waters (1200cc cuz i was making two packs of the the turnip cake rice) and season with some salt and pepper.然後把1200 g 蘿蔔絲倒入拌炒加上1200 cc 的水,因為我一次做兩包再來米粉,然後加一些鹽和白胡椒粉調味
一旁把兩包再來米粉跟1400 cc 的水拌勻備用 Mix two pack of the trump cake mixes and 1400 cc of rice measuring cup of water and sit aside
Turn off heat when the shredded daikon has been cooked 蘿蔔絲煮熟關火
把煮熟的蘿蔔絲跟料全部倒進拌好的在來米漿裡!快速攪拌使之糊化! pour the cooked daikon and other stuff into the mixed rice mix. Then stir quickly to make in even and thicken. The texture of the mixture has to be thicken.
spread oil to the containers that will pour in the mixtures. 記得先上一點油再放入調好的蘿蔔糕糊
If you are going to steam with a rice cooker like this one, you will wanna pour at least 1.5 cups of water to the outer layer. And cover with inner lid while steaming to prevent excess water to get into the mixture. Repeat adding water after one round of steaming if the mixtures is not fully cooked! 如果用大同電鍋蒸的話,可能需要外鍋加1.5杯的水,記得把內鍋也加蓋,才不會有多餘的水分跑進蘿蔔糕裡!然後如果蒸一次還沒完全蒸透
If you steam with a steamer on a stove, you will steam for at least 40 minutes on high heat. Or check with a chopstick. If the inserting the chop stick and come out clean…that means it is done!
wait till the turnip rice cakes are cool (or chill in the fridge overnight) will be easier to slice them. Pan fried before serving. 蘿蔔糕放涼或是置於冰箱一晚定型比較容易切成片裝,先用油煎到微焦脆!
配上沾醬享用!Dip with sauce and enjoy!