蔥燒餅 Chinese Scallion Bread

這趟回台灣之旅,很多朋友見面都會問說,你們在美國都常常DIY動手做做看內~那是因為很多時候想吃吃不到,或是人工太貴,所以很多都是硬著頭皮學的,例如:修車、裝修家裡的水電、剪髮、烹飪、裁縫。。。之類的,但是在教會中總是高手雲集,可以學習到好多好才藝~ 昨天有幸可以和教會的劉姐妹學習做蔥燒餅,有點像加了很多蔥的大餅,更多增添了香味!

On the trip to Taiwan in August, many of my friends commented that we became so handy living in US. I told that it was because labor is quite expensive here. Also, a lot of time, we can’t get the food we miss from Taiwan that aren’t extremely expensive nor not tasty here in Utah. So we just have to learn it. Luckily, there are many talented people in the church that we can learn from. Yesterday, I had a chance to learn the Chinese Scallion Bread from Sister Liu who is also from Taiwan.


The recipe by itself is quite simple. However, you should determine the amount according to the temperature and humidity where you live. Please adjust accordingly. Utah is a dryer area with higher altitude.

剛打好的麵團 Mixed dough
After rising for 40 min 發了40分鐘
發好的麵團分成兩份,撒一點麵粉在檯面以防麵團沾黏!Divide the rise dough into two. Sprinkle some flour on the surface from the dough sticking to it!
Roll the dough into a rectangle 將麵團推成長方形
洗乾淨蔥切成蔥花! Wash the scallion and dice into little pieces
spread some oil and sprinkle some salt 抹油 記得灑鹽
sprinkle scallions 撒蔥
折成三等份 Fold into 3 layers
cut in diagonal 斜切
塗蛋液 spread beaten eggs on top
sprinkle some white sesames 撒白芝麻
發了三十分鐘 After rising for 30 minutes


  • 一杯 熱水
  • 一杯 涼牛奶 水和粉 比例 1:3
  • 麵粉大概 4.75 杯
  • 2 大匙 糖
  • 1 大匙 酵母粉
  • 1/2 大匙 食用油
  • 用攪拌機打五分鐘 或是手揉出筋性
  • 發酵 約40 分鐘
  • 麵團分成兩份
  • 麵團桿平成長方形
  • 抹油、灑鹽、灑蔥
  • 摺成三等分
  • 斜切
  • 塗蛋液,
  • 撒白芝麻,一點粗鹽
  • 第二次發酵 30 分鐘
  • 375 度 F ( Convection oven 350 度 F) 烤15 分鐘


  • 1 cup hot water
  • 1 cup cold milk
  • Flour about 4.75 cup (water to flour around ration 1:3)
  • 2 TBS sugar
  • 1TBS yeast
  • 1/2 TBS oil
  • Mix with a Stand Mixer for about 5 minutes. Or hand kneading until its all smooth.
  • Rise about 40 min
  • divide the rise dough into 2
  • roll the doughs into flat rectangles
  • spread some oil、sprinkle some salt、sprinkle good amount of chopped scallions
  • Fold the dough into three layers
  • cut in diagonal shape
  • spread beaten egg on top
  • sprinkle some white sesames and coarse salt
  • Rise for another 30 minutes
  • 375 F ( Convection oven 350 F) for 15 minutes

Ready to eat 開動