叉燒包 Char-Siu Steam Buns/ Manapua

I was so honored to be invited to teach a cooking lesson with the Hawaiian Civic Club in Utah. The lady saw my steamed buns post on IG, so that’s how we got connected! Here are the Char-Siu Steam Buns (Manapua) recipes for doughs and fillings!

我上個禮拜很榮幸被邀請去教烹飪課!是一群住在猶他州的夏威夷人的社團!他們的負責人看到我的IG之前Po的包子,所以就找我去教大家。跟他們一起對話讓我想起了夏威夷~ 下面是叉燒包的作法!

Recipe for the Milky dough for the buns:

Ingredients: Makes about 12-15 big buns

  • 1 cup Milk
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 3 Tbsp Cooking Oil
  • 4 Cup Flour (Bread flour will be the best or all purpose flour)
  • 1/3 Cup Sugar
  • 1 Tbsp Yeast
  • 1 Tbsp baking powder

How To:

  • Use a glass measuring cup to measure the milk and water (You can use all milk to make it creamier) and put the measured glass cup into a microwave oven to heat up around 30~45 seconds to slightly warm. (don’t make it too hot, otherwise, the yeast will not work) Add in sugar and yeast. Stir and set aside.
  • Take a big mixing bowl or use the Stand Mixer’s mixing bowl. Add in all the rest of ingredients in the mixing bowl. Then, add in the yeast sugar liquid mix to the mixing bowl. If you don’t have a stand mixer, use your hands to knead to all well mixed. Use the Stand Mixer to mix the ingredients till its all well mixed and then mix for anther 10-15 minutes.
  • Use Saran wrap to seal the top of the mixing bowl and let it rise for 1 hour or the dough is double sized! ( do not over rise the dough, or it will taste sour ant not fresh)


  • 1 杯 (烘焙量杯)牛奶
  • 1/3 杯 水
  • 3 大匙 油
  • 4 杯 麵粉 (高筋麵粉最好或是中筋)
  • 1/3 杯 糖
  • 1 大匙 酵母
  • 1 大匙 泡打粉


  • 用一個玻璃量杯量好牛奶和水(如果要全部用牛奶更香醇),放進微波爐加熱 30 ~45 秒至微溫(太熱會把酵母菌殺死),加入酵母和糖攪拌靜置讓它發酵
  • 用一個大的攪拌盆 (或是直立式攪拌機的攪拌盆)加入全部的材料,再把剛剛調好的發酵液一起拌入 (如果是住在猶他這種乾燥的地方,如果攪拌過程覺得太乾,可以斟酌加一點水分)
  • 用手 或是 直立式攪拌機 攪拌均勻到完全不沾手和盆子,建議用攪拌機多攪拌多10~15分鐘讓它出筋
  • 用保鮮膜覆蓋,靜置發酵一小時或是兩倍大!(注意不要超過發酵,不然會發酸)
麵團發酵兩倍大! Well rise dough…. about twice bigger
把發好的麵團分成需要的大小 Divide the dough into desired size
You can form fillings into ball size ahead…or just use a spoon to scoop it onto rolled up flat dough to wrap up! 可以事先把內餡量好然後成團,或是直接用湯匙舀到擀好的面皮上包
切好的叉燒肉 Char-Siu BBQ pork cut in small pieces
Stir fired first 先炒一下
Mix in the sauce 倒入醬汁拌炒
Thickened filling 勾芡過濃稠的內餡

Char-Siu filling:

Ingredients and way of making.

  • Take about 1 lbs of cooked Char-Siu BBQ pork and cut it into small pieces.
  • Use the left over marinate juice( or just take more of the Char-Siu sauce and add a bit more water) and Hoisin Sauce about 1/4 cup, water 1/3 cup, Oyster sauce 2 TBS and Soy sauce 3 TBS, and Sugar 2 TBS. (the measurement is just suggestion, you can add more if you like)
  • Take a pot or pan and heat up. Add a bit of oil. Stir fried the chopped Char-Siu BBQ pork. Add in all the sauce and seasoning. Mix it and cook it on the stove when bubbling.
  • Dissolve 3-4 TBS of Corn Starch with half cup of water in a bowl. Then, slowly add into the pot and stir to thicken the filling. (if the filling is still watery, add more dissolved cornstarch water mix…. If the filling is too thick, add a bit more water)

叉燒內餡 食譜和做法:

  • 拿一磅叉燒肉切成小丁 (叉燒肉做法)
  • 用之前醃叉燒肉剩下的醃料 (或是拿一些叉燒醬對一點水),還有1/4 杯的海鮮醬,1/3 杯的水,兩大匙的蠔油,三大匙醬油,糖兩大匙 (這些比例只是建議,可以增加一個人口味!)
  • 取一個鍋子加熱,鍋熱加入一點油,把切好的叉燒肉和以上的醬料一起拌炒,直到冒泡泡的時候,轉中小火
  • 取一個碗加入3~4大匙玉米粉,對半杯的水調勻,慢慢倒入鍋內攪拌,內餡會越來越濃,如果還是太水,可以在調一些玉米水少量加入拌煮至成團型,太硬就加點水使之軟化!
My apprentices! 我的學徒!
This is how you roll a dough! 這是桿麵皮的方法

You can just wrap up the filling with dough in anyway you like. As long as your dough is totally closed up, and the filling stays inside the dough when it get steamed! Make sure you have cut out small pieces of parchment paper to put under buns individually before steaming. Steam with boiling water for 15-20 minutes. P.S. if your doughs are not perfectly raised yet, putting the uncooked buns to steam while that water is still heating up will help it rise better)
