小小模特兒 Little model


從老大一直想到老三。。。甚至還在 Outlet 的 Gap看過跟我們家妹妹很像的小麻豆,所以我跟我媽讓妹妹在海報前拍了一張照片。

When the time I had my oldest and seeing those cute model kids in different stores, I thought it was an unreachable dream! One time, when my mom came to visit us, and we went to the Outlet. There was a cute little girl that looked like my little one on the Gap poster. We took a picture of my little one in front of the poster.

結果,因緣際會,去年好幾個身邊的朋友的孩子當起了模特兒,不只是平面模特兒還拍了廣告。 所以,我們也藉由他們的介紹開始試試看~ 沒想到,因為猶他州大部分都是白人,所以我們家的孩子就成為“有特色”的模特兒,也開始了我們的模特兒生涯~

Later last year (2018), some of my friends started modeling for their kids. Not just modeling but also for commercials. Therefore, we started trying out to do modeling with their introduction to the world of modeling. Most of the population here are Caucasians, so my kids became the “ethnicity model with exotic look”.



Even we haven’t sign up with any model agency yet, we were so honored to have several cases. There were some for local boutiques, a Children Magazine, children clothing companies, and BYU EFY advertisement.



Please help following us on our modeling IG account: www.instagram.som/nihao_model_lanigirl

It’s not easy to get to model, and we are cherish each opportunity and thank you for suppoting us!