情人節下午茶 Valentine’s Day tea party

通常情人節都是熱戀的情侶或是新婚的夫妻才有在過的節日,我們結婚10幾年的常常有了孩子都忙了沒過這些節日, 但是現在孩子大了,然後讓我回想以前單身的時候都會有自己的下午茶的時光,從台灣搬來美國沒有辦法把那些下午茶的茶組帶來,然後之前小孩又太小又怕他們會弄破,終於今年就下手買了一套下午茶組出來跟孩子們一起過快樂的情人節下午茶派對!

Usually Valentine’s Day is for the dating couples or newly weds. Me and my husband have been married for more than a decades. We have been focusing on making for the living and taking care of kids, so we haven’t celebrated for a long long time.
I still remember doing afternoon tea time when I was single. I couldn’t bring my tea sets with me when we moved to U.S. from Taiwan. And kids were so little… I didn’t wanna have any fragile chinaware.
Finally, it is time I felt kids are old enough and will enjoy tea party with mom. I got some tea sets to have a tea party with kids and my hubby for the Valentine’s Day at home during this pandemic.

我看到住在英國的朋友有好美的下午茶組,還有之前我們家妹妹去當模特兒拍American Girl 下午茶食譜書的時候,我看到攝影師和他的策劃組,非常精心的準備一系列的下午茶點心還有還有很漂亮的餐盤,讓我體會到一些漂亮的餐具可以增添生活的情趣和氛圍。就算孩子小的時候也可以一起參與這種準備的過程還有用餐是愉快的氣氛。真的很佩服歐美人很會在生活的美感還有佈置。

I have a friend who lives in England always creates beautiful food and afternoon tea parties with beautiful chinaware. Also, my little girl who went to model for American Girl cookbook tea party theme last month. It had totally blown my mind with the concept of food styling and decorating. The presentations were so elegant and beautiful. I just realized how much little extra settings and details to food plating and dining wares can do to add the atmosphere and fun to dining, which create wonderful memories.


My friend made some beautiful lemon raspberry cheese cup cakes.


I made some cucumber eggs salad sandwiches .


I got the cute heart shaped macaroons from Costco. It was made in Belgium.


Of course I made some charcuterie plates to go with it.

I got the Brie cheese from Trader Joe’s. 我在Trader Joe’s 買的法式乳酪起士


We had some herbal tea and guava sparkling juice.

全麥餅乾加上法式乳酪再淋上一些蜂蜜真的太好吃了! It was an amazing combination of crackers, Brie cheese and honey!