猶他越南城一日遊 One day at the Vietnamese Town in Utah

退稅時間又到了~ 美國很多人都自己上網用軟體申報,但是也有不少的人請一個會計師幫忙報稅!剛好三年前朋友介紹的會計師是一位越南人,所以我們每年一定會來 West Valley 報到一下!報稅兼吃美食!

It’s tax season again! Many people use some software or online program to file their own tax. But, some people hire an accountant to do it for them. 3 years ago, our friend referred this Vietnamese account to us. Therefore, we have to come to West Valley for tax return filing and of course some yummy Vietnamese food.

走進新的辦公處,整個就好越南!原來越南人也過農曆新年喔! Walking into the new office, the decoration draw our attention! I didn’t know that Vietnamese people celebrate Lunar New Year as well!

剛好我們的會計師的辦公處搬家了!所以我們也來逛了樓下這個月才新開幕的超市 S Market. 一進去整個覺得自己到了越南,裡面的架上的商品,工作人員,還有標示牌都是正宗越南

This year, our accountant has moved his office to a new location. There was this brand new supermarket at the downstairs of the new office. It is call S Market. When we entered the S Market, we felt like we have entered to another country. The signs, products, and food were all very Vietnamese. The workers were talking in Vietnamese to each other.


Because it was just opened in February, everything is so new, clean, and spacious. There are lots of familiar and unfamiliar items…. very fun to explore around. And….everything is 10% off in February for the grand opening discount!


買完好開心,一定要去吃個午餐再回家!After the grocery shopping, we had to have some authentic Vietnamese food for lunch!

我們最愛來的其中一間餐廳就是這家 Pho Saigon Noodle House 越南麵店,餐點都好正宗道地喔!連加州搬來的越南人都說這家好吃(雖然比不上加州的,但是這種沙漠鄉下地方,有這樣道地口味的已經偷笑)

This Pho Saigon Noodle House is probably one of our favorite restaurants in Utah. Quite authentic and of course yummy! Even some Vietnamese who moved from California said this is probably one of the tops in Utah.

Lots of veggies to go into noodle soups 超多新鮮的青菜跟香菜
#201 Pho #201 越南河粉

喜歡這家餐廳因為好吃又新鮮,很多越南捲是現做的,而且很多沒看過很新鮮的菜類跟香菜,然後越南飲食跟華人飲食很多類似的!所以我們之前也很愛點他們家 #7的鴨腿麵!有鴨腿、豬血、筍乾、油蔥!哇賽~一入口根本就是回到台灣路邊攤的感覺嗎!!!超好吃~結果那天去吃的時候。。。已經賣完了!哭哭~但是我後來選的#6 越式牛肉米線也超好吃!還有他們的蝦子火腿炒飯超級好吃!很有鍋氣!當然越南河粉是不在話下~好吃到爆~有時候我們還會吃完點一下越南三明治回家當點心!哈哈哈哈 因為我們住在開車一個小時之遠~嗚嗚

#2 Appetizer of fresh made rice wrap with veggies and sliced ham. 不知道名字但是很好吃現做米皮包黑木耳的開胃菜#2,還有大量青菜鋪底層加上越南火腿
必加的辣醬!有兩種。。這種的比較香 Try their house spicy sauce
#504Must order this shrimp and ham fried rice! 超有鍋氣的蝦子火腿炒飯!
#6 Beef Noodle #6越式牛肉麵