科羅拉多州溫泉火車之旅 最終篇 返程 Train tip to Glenwood Hot Springs, Colorado Part 3 heading home

快樂的時光總是短暫的~很快要回程了!但是回程的路上也是有很多新的體驗! 我們嘗試了火車上的餐車晚餐。。。還有溫泉旅館附近的波蘭小館。。 還有半透明的車廂。。

Well, every journey has an ending. This is a record of our trip to Glenwood Hot Springs, Colorado on a train ride! Even on the way back, we had experienced of train dining, Portland cuisine by the hot spring resort, and also a large clear cover train cart with awesome view!

除了飯店豐盛的早餐,我們臨走之前,在附近發現了一間波蘭小館 Polanka,所以我們決定吃了午餐再上車,聽波蘭籍的老闆娘說這個小鎮早期有很多從俄國和波蘭移民到美國的移民,所以他們在這開起了這間充滿波蘭風情的小餐廳,老闆娘還很熱情的介紹他們的餐點,因為我們完全沒有去過東歐,對我們來說真的是好新奇!店裏有很多很可愛的波蘭小飾品,最酷的是菜單上除了英文之外還有波蘭文及俄文

Besides the breakfast buffet they offer at the hot spring resort, we found a Polish restaurant called Polanka closely. So, we decided to eat lunch there before heading to take the train back. The owner lady was originally from Poland. She said that there were a group of nearly immigrants from Russia and Poland settle around the area. So she offered menu in English, Polish, and Russian.

英文、俄文、波蘭文的菜單 Menu in English, Russian, and Polish
熱情的老闆娘 Lady owner/ chef of the Polish restaurant
cute sugar shifter 很可愛的撒糖器
老闆熱情推薦的甜點,有點像加了滿滿的自製果粒感很濃的可麗餅,但是比較有厚度,而且更有口感!有三種口味,莓類、蘋果醬、奶油口味,通通都好吃!This was a dessert dish that the owner recommended! It tasted like crepe but more of the fruity taste and thicker, chewer skin! There are three flavors… berries, apples, and cream.. I love them all.
Polish sausage , potato dumplings side dish, cabbage stews, and sourkraut 波蘭香腸,馬鈴薯餃(很香很綿密),高麗菜燉肉捲,還有酸菜(有點像配那個德國香腸的那種)
Chicken dish very crispy! The seasoning was very unique. 類似炸雞排餐 還不錯~很酥 調味料跟平常吃得不太一樣
Pork dish is similar to the chicken dish… very yummy too 炸豬排餐 跟炸雞排餐有些類似!也不錯吃!

葛蘭伍德 溫泉是這個小鎮的地名,因為這是美國比較早期沿著鐵路發展的小鎮,所以這個火車站是一個歷史古蹟,裡面的擺飾細節都透露出年代感,在火車站附設的禮品商店裡有一個小型的兒童火車博物館,很適合小朋友等火車的時候去學習了解火車的一些資訊!

Glenwood Hot Springs is the name of this town. Since it was one of the earlier developed town along the train route, this station is full of historical look and fun factors. I love all the old details and the cute tiny train museum inside of the gift shop!

很酷的火車小型博物館,但是要12歲以上要付費進場喔!(所以,媽媽就站在入口等。。。哈) Cute little train explore center for kiddos. kids 12 and under is free!

窗外好比國家公園等級的景色 the view from the windows… look like national parts

車上找到靠近臥鋪的車廂還有可以洗澡的設施 It offered shower service on the train too!


In many movie scene with long distance or tourist train, people dined on those dining carts. Therefore, I was so excited to try the dinging experiences on the train. AS you can see from the menu below, the prices were not cheap at all! It was like real dine in restaurant price. After all, they had to prepare and bring all the food along the train ride right? You will have to make reservation on the train to dine in. We didn’t know about that and so…when the worker on the train came over to ask if we wanna make reservation… it was almost full! So we got set for 8 pm! It was so late and we were so hungry.

Menu on train dining cart 火車餐車車廂的菜單

After the long wait, we finally got in the dining cart! 等了好久~終於換我們去用餐了!耶~

等吃晚餐! Waiting to be served

車上的服務生完全不是一般餐廳等級的服務生,一整個比較像是發食物的工人!哈 The waiters on the train were not like the regular waiters you expect in a sit down restaraunt. It is more like they were only handing out food…that’s it!

I ordered a shrimp dish 我點了一個蝦燉飯餐
小朋友點了雞肉餐 kids ordered the chicken dish
not the best and not the worst 不是最好吃也不是最難吃的 哈

結論,食物不好吃,又很貴,然後服務很普普。。但是體驗一次還算酷~但是不想體驗的人,請自備自己的火車便當。。。哈哈 我覺得一次體驗就超足夠了!不會有下次!真的!自己帶食物在車上吃就好了!

So in conclusion of the dining experience on train was…… the food was not tasty and very expensive, and the service was so so….. If you wanna have an experience like me, yes go for it! I think one experience was TOTAL ENOUGH! ha! I recommend you to just pack your own food to eat on the train!

Home sweet home 到達我們的終點站了!


When we arrived our stop home, it was already late at night. The train ride was about 7 hours. You can see the Provo train station was very small… If you don’t pay attention, you will totally miss it! ha~ But that’s what I learn from this trip… the size of a train station is not equivalent to the population and development level of a city. Cities may grow or decrease though out the time line….

如果有疑問或是想要討論,也歡迎在下面留言給我,或上我的臉書部落格專頁討論留言喔! Welcome to leave comments or questions below, or you can do so at my facebook blog page!