科羅拉多州溫泉火車之旅 目的地 Train tip to Glenwood Hot Springs, Colorado Part 2

我們這趟旅行的目的地是科羅拉多州的一個溫泉會館,叫做 Glenwood Hot Springs Resort. 我們是在2017 秋假(大概是十月份)去的!但是我是大概九月初就上官網定他們的早鳥折價套票,有包含二箔二食(含早餐)跟無限次泡湯。

The destination of our trip is Glenwood Hot Springs Resort in Colorado. We went on this trip for the fall break 2017( It was about October). But I booked this early-bird discount packages of 2 nights stays come with two day breakfast buffets and unlimited access to the hot springs pool in September.

下榻的溫泉會館外觀 This was the Glenwood Hotspring Resort
Inside of the room 房間內觀

這家溫泉會館有號稱全世界最大的溫泉游泳池。 我們剛好選擇秋天出發,超大的溫泉泳池配上旁邊的秋葉,哇賽~真的美得跟電影一樣!

Glenwood Hot Springs Resort claimed they got the biggest hot springs pool in the world! It happened that we visited there during fall. So seeing the hot springs pool with Fall color leaves on the tree was unbelievable gorgeous. We felt like we were in a movie scene pretty much!

Glenwood Hotsprings 的舊城區是歷史悠久又有特色的一個小鎮。 Strolling down to the old town of Glenwood Hotsprings…Love the cute little old town!

因為沿著火車路線,科羅拉多州的Glenwood Hot Springs 是美國早期開發的城市,所以這裡的舊城區非常有歷史人文感,還有溫泉會館旁邊有一個超過一百多年的老飯店!以前的上流社會都會來這邊開宴會噢!

Because it was by the train route, Glenwood Hot Springs was one of the early developed cities in the U.S. history. Strolling around the old town, we could see many unique stores with characters. Also, there was an old hotel with over hundred years of history next to the resort that we were staying. It was for the high end party and some special events back in the days.


I have to mention the breakfast! The breakfasts were included in the resort packages that we booked. The main dishes of the breakfasts were ordered at the grill with many choices, and the portions were quite huge too. Then the rest of the buffet included hot and cold beverages, juices, breads and bagels, oatmeals, yogurts, cereal…etc. The most important part was the dishes were very fresh and yummy!