筍乾控肉 Taiwanese pork stew with bamboo shoots


Every country/culture has its own comfort food! I believe this Pork stew with bamboo shoots is definitely one of those top list comfort food in Taiwan.


Especially for people like us who live in a foreign country. It is hard to travel back to our own country during this pandemic. I will love to share how to make this dish with you. So you can make it to cure your homesickness or just to try it for the first time!


I normally would cook this dish with my cast-iron on the stove. However, I started my cooking time a bit late to make dinner yesterday, so I decided to use my instant pot (electric pressure cooker). It definitely has shorten the cooking time a lot a lot shorter!


  • 豬腳/蹄膀 或是有帶點肥的豬肉部位 約3-4磅
  • 筍乾 一包
  • 梅乾菜 3 小捆 (也可以省略)
  • 蒜頭 去皮 一小把
  • 沙拉油 1-2 大匙
  • 醬油 約兩-三杯(量杯)
  • 黑胡椒粉 適量
  • 香油 適量 約一小匙
  • 米酒 約兩大匙
  • 糖 (冰糖) 約兩大匙
  • 水 約 7-10 杯 (可以蓋過全部的料)


  • Pork hock/ pig feet or a little fatter part of pork 3-4 lbs
  • dehydrated salted bamboo shoots 1 pack
  • preserved Taiwanese veggies 梅乾菜 (optional) 1 pack
  • peeled garlic cloves 1/4 cup
  • cooking oil 2 TBS
  • Soy sauce about 2-3 cups
  • pepper about a pinch for taste
  • sesame oil 1 tsp
  • cooking oil 2 TBS
  • sugar/ rock sugar 2TBS
  • water 7-10 cups or at least cover all the ingredients


  • 清洗筍乾,用熱水浸泡,過一個小時以後來換水,然後把泡軟的筍乾撕成條狀
  • 用同樣的方法在另外一鍋泡梅干菜
  • 然後兩鍋都要每一小時換水再加溫熱水浸泡,浸泡到筍乾跟梅干菜都軟了,大約泡四個小時以上
  • 要烹煮前把水份瀝乾放在一旁備用
  • 用電子快鍋插電選擇爆香/拌炒的模式
  • 加入兩大匙的沙拉油
  • 把切好的豬肉或是豬腳放入鍋中爆香
  • 加入蒜頭一起爆香
  • 加一點糖炒一炒上色
  • 嗆入米酒
  • 加胡椒粉
  • 加入醬油
  • 加入筍乾和梅干菜
  • 加入水淹過全部的材料 (不可以超過鍋內最高的規定量)
  • 把蓋子蓋上,然後把選項改成燉肉,燉40分鐘!
  • 我過一個小時以後烹煮完畢,洩壓開鍋,試吃然後看是否需要調整味道。
  • 盛盤上桌!

How to:

  • Wash the dehydrate salted bamboo shoots with water thoroughly. Soak with hot water for an hour in a big bowl. Change water every hour for at least 4 hours or until it is softened. Hand shredded the bamboo shoots into strips.
  • Do the same thing to the preserved Taiwanese veggies (梅乾菜)
  • Before cooking, drain all the water and set aside both bamboo shoots and the preserved veggies.
  • plug in the Instant Pot and select sauté mode.
  • drizzle oil in
  • put in the cut pork or hocks in the pot and brown them
  • add sugar in to brown
  • add cooking wine
  • add pepper
  • add soysauce
  • add in both prepared bamboo shoots and preserved veggies
  • add water to cover all the ingredients ( but make sure not over the max line in the inner pot )
  • close the lid and select meat mode for 40 minutes
  • after it is all cooked and release the vault
  • open the lid and taste to see if you need to adjust the taste before plating!