醉雞 Drunken Chicken


My mom had been a career woman through all my childhood. So she never had time to make fancy dishes in the kitchen. We only got to try drunken chicken in restaurants. Therefore, to me, drunk chicken is a fancy dish that requires a lot of time to make. But then, I didn’t realize drunken chicken can be made easily at home!


The first time I try to make drunken chicken, I went online to check how to make it . As show me that I have to use some Chinese herbs and Chinese cooking wine(Shao-shin wine) to make the marinade. And rolling up deboned chicken legs or thighs to cook it to make the beautiful form before marinating. So I did follow all the instructions and have to soak it with the marinade in the fridge overnight. And then, before serving, I slice them into pieces and decorate it for one Chinese New Year.

結果有一次去一個從中國來的教友家吃飯,她準備了一道很好吃的雞肉料理,使用處理好的雞爪,還有一種我從沒有看過的料理醬料~ 糟滷!

I had a chance to be invited to a Chinese friends house for dinner. She prepared a chicken dish was so delicious, so I had to ask her how to make it. She used the chicken feet( I know many of you were scared now by hearing that… you can use other part of the chicken) and a marinade I have never heard before.


Then I bought the marinade to go home and try with wings and chicken legs. It turned out so delicious and so easy to make! One time, I even made some for our camping trip. Because it is a cold dish, it is easy to be transported in a cooler.


  • 雞翅或小雞腿 約3-4磅
  • 糟滷 一罐
  • 水 (大約蓋過雞翅和小雞腿)
  • 枸杞和當歸 (可省略)


  • 3 to 4 pound of chicken wings and legs
  • 1 can of Chinese cooking wine marinade (糟滷)
  • Water (enough to cover the chickens)
  • Goji berries and Angelica ( these are Chinese herbs… if you don’t have them, you can skip these)
  • 拿一個小鍋子,把雞翅和小雞腿洗乾淨後,裝上清水蓋過全部的雞肉以後,放在爐子上大火滾煮到熟,記得要把伏在湯上面的殘渣去掉
  • 加入中藥材還有一整罐的糟滷,轉成中小火滾約5分鐘至10分鐘
  • 稍微讓他浸泡半個小時以上就可以使用了
  • 或是連同醬汁和中藥材放到冰箱冰隔夜會更好吃喔!
Goji berries! 枸杞
Angelica~ a Chinese herb 當歸一片

How to:

  • Bring a small pot, put in all the Wings and legs and enough water to cover all the chicken. Cook it on high heat to boil. Make sure to take out all the foam on top of the broth.
  • Then put in the Chinese herbs and a whole can of Chinese cooking wine marinade (糟滷)into the pot. Turn down the heat to medium heat and cook for Another 5-10 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat when it’s fully cooked. After soaking for half an hour, you can plate them and enjoy!
  • I recommend to put the chickens and marinade in fridge over night for better taste.


The Chinese cooking wine marinade 糟滷 is actually seasoned. It says you don’t have to put more water in it. But we don’t drink wine and have little kids, so I decided to pour it into the pot of chicken with water while cooking. So then it is not as salty and can cook off some of the alcohol. If you don’t mind being a little more salty and half more wine flavor, you can take all that chicken from the soup and pour in a whole can of the marinade.


Or, my family loves soup, so I will cook the chicken and take them out. I use the chicken broth to make soup. Then, I have a small pot to cook some water and the Whole can of marinade and Chinese herbs on the side. After it’s cooked, I soak the chickens in the marinade.