雪裡紅豬肉餡包子和水煎包 Sher Li Hong Pork filling steamed buns and pan seared buns

包子、水煎包應該是亞洲人都超愛的!早餐、午餐、晚餐、消夜、點心都可以出現,這真的可以證明有多愛! 我在日本、夏威夷住的時候也都有看到不同種餡料的包子,雖然不同的名稱,但是都很好吃!

Steamed buns and panseared buns are definitely one of the most popular Asian dishes! You can see them for breakfasts , lunches , dinners, late night snacks, and even for afternoon tea snacks…. when I lived in Japan and Hawaii, I’ve seen different kinds of buns with different kinds of fillings with different names, but they are all very scrumptious!


My kids love steamed buns. With different kinds of vegetables and different season or whatever’s are on sale, I try to coordinate different type of ingredients into the fillings to create different flavors.



  • 豬絞肉 一磅
  • 雪裡紅 一大把
  • 鹽巴 2-3 大匙
  • 食用油 2 大匙
  • 蒜末 (2-3粒去皮蒜頭🧄)
  • 砂糖 (2-3 茶匙)
  • 料酒 (2大匙)
  • 白胡椒粉 適量
  • 香油或麻油 適量


  • 先把買來新鮮的雪裡紅洗乾淨,撒上兩道三大匙的鹽巴,均勻的塗抹以後按摩,放在夾連袋裡面醃製出水至少一個小時。
  • 醃製好出水的雪裡紅,拿出來把水份瀝乾稍微清洗上面多餘的鹽巴,切成小塊備用
  • 拿一個鍋子加熱加上一到兩大匙的食用油
  • 加入蒜末爆香,加入一磅的豬絞肉,炒到變色之後,加入一旁準備好的雪裡紅一起拌炒約2分鐘。
  • 下一點米酒去腥,然後加入兩到三匙的砂糖,撒上適量的白胡椒還有一些香油調味,可以依照個人的口味做調適!如果喜歡吃辣的朋友可以加一些切碎的生辣椒🌶️
  • 雪裡紅肉末餡就準備好了,除了可以包在包子裡以外,還可以配飯、拌乾麵、炒飯、煮湯麵,都很方便!有時候我會稍微多做一點,多餘的我就會裝成小包裝放在冷凍庫裡面,需要的時候拿出來解凍立刻就可以有很好吃的一餐!

Pork and pickled mustard veggies filling


  • Ground pork 1 lb
  • Sher Li Hong ( little mustard veggie) 1 bunch
  • Salt 2-3 TBS (table spoon)
  • Oil 2 TBS
  • fresh minced garlic (2-3 peeled cloves of garlic 🧄)
  • Sugar(2-3 teaspoon )
  • Cooking wine(2TBS)
  • White or black pepper A pinch
  • Sesame oil Some drizzle

How to:

  • Wash clean the Sher Li Hong,sprinkle some salt on top and equally spread on and massage the leafy veggies. Let it soak for at least one hour to pickle it and let the excess water to come out.
  • Take the pickled Sher Li Hong and drain the extra water. Wash the veggie gently and squeeze out excess water. Cut the veggies into small pieces.
  • Heat up a frying pan with 2-3 TBS of oil
  • In goes the minced garlic to sauté. Then stir in ground pork and brown it well. Add the cut Sher Li Hong and stir fry for about 2 minutes.
  • Add a little bit of cooking wine to get rid of gamey pork flavor. Season it with sugar, pepper and a drizzle of sesame oil. You can adjust according to your taste. If you like spicy food, you can add chopped fresh chili pepper chili 🌶
  • The Sher Li Hong pork filling is ready. Not only you can use it as the steamed buns fillings, but you can also use it in fried rice, go with steamed rice, mix with noodles or in noodle soup 🍜. I often make extra and pack them in small batches and keep in the freezer. So I can use it later for a quick meal!


  • 牛奶 一杯
  • 水 1/3 杯
  • 油 3大匙
  • 麵粉(中筋或高筋) 4 杯
  • 砂糖1/3 杯
  • 酵粉 1 大匙
  • 泡打粉 一大匙

Dough Ingredients:

  • milk 1 cup
  • water 1/3 cup
  • oil 3 TBS
  • Flour( all purpose or bread flour) 4 cup
  • sugar 1/3 cup
  • Yeast 1 TBS
  • Baking powder 1 TBS


  • 牛奶稍微加溫以後和全部的材料放到攪拌盆裡面用攪拌機低速2攪拌,攪拌到完全光滑為止。
  • 用保鮮膜包著容器保持濕度,放在溫暖的地方發酵約一個小時,或是比原來的麵體大兩倍!
  • 將發好的麵糰撒上一些麵粉,切成適合的大小,用擀麵棍趕開成為麵皮,就可以包進餡料,包成包子。
  • 烘焙紙剪成小塊備用,可以放在包好的包子下面直接拿去蒸籠蒸。
  • 大火蒸大概20分鐘即可!
  • 如果用水煎包的方法,拿一個不沾的平底鍋,中火加熱加上沙拉油一大匙,放入包好的包子以後,稍微煎1分鐘,然後準備一杯清水倒進去鍋子裡面,立刻加上蓋子讓它蒸煮,等到水份收乾底部微焦脆的時候即可!

How to:

  • put in warm milk and other ingredients into the mixing bowel. Turn the mixing sped to 2 to mix in slow mode. Mix till the dough is formed smoothly.
  • use a saran wrap to wrap on top of the mixing bowl. Then, put the mixing bowl in a warm place to let rise for at least one hour or doubled the size .
  • after the dough is well rised, sprinkle a little bit of extra flour and cut into desire size to roll out and start wrapping the fillings into buns.
  • Cut parchment paper into smaller pieces, and use them as liner underneath each buns.
  • put the buns with parchment paper into a steamer and steam with boiling water for 20 minutes.
  • If you want to pan sear them… take a nonstick pan and heat up in medium heat with a tablespoon of oil. Put in the uncooked buns and pan seared for a minute, then pour in a cup or two of water. Let it steam cook till all the water is evaporated. Make sure don’t burn the bottoms of buns but slightly crispy.


With freshly cooked buns, I’d like to put some chili paste to go with it! They are perfect with each other! My kids love these buns so much sometimes they can eat 4 to 5 of them each meal !