3/12 弟弟兩歲了! My boy is 2!

This is an old post.  My boy is 2 now.  He is a big boy who weights 38 lbs.  Both height and weight are over 100 % in the growing chart, but for sure he is a fun boy to be around.  We had a casual birthday party for him at the playground with other kids in the afternoon. But, daddy couldn’t make it, so we had another cake for the night.  It was an excellent spring day to celebrate.

弟弟的生日是在3/12…他現在兩歲了!體重&身高依舊是破百分比….比美國人還大隻!但是他真的好可愛好有趣喔!  我們那天下午在遊樂場跟其他小朋友一起慶生,但是爸爸沒有辦法到,所以我有做兩個蛋糕可以唱生日快樂歌…那天的天氣真的是一整個超級好的!春天的陽光暖暖的好舒服喔!

This is the trifle cake how to:
First time trying this Trifle Cake…Super easy and yummy!


This is at the Cherry Hill Park behind Cherry Hill Elementary.

Cake #2