聖誕節前在李海的凹累附近開了一家新的餐廳,朋友邀約一起去吃吃看~ 雖然我們不喝酒,但是我喜歡嘗試新的美食!這家餐廳從外面看起來不大,但是裡面佔地很大,還有一間包廂,可以開私人派對,或是公司行號可以在此辦活動!

Before Christmas, there was a new sports bar opened by the Lehi Outlet right next to Harmon’s supermarket. Even though we don’t drink alcohol, it is always fun to try new restaurant. The restaurant didn’t look very big from the outside, but it surprised me with the size inside. It also had a event room that can be turned into a private room for parties or for companies’ activities.

點這裡可以看到Bout Time Lehi 的營運時間跟地點

Click here to see Bout Time Lehi’s location and open hours

可以容納很多人的包廂 The Private event room can accommodate a big crowd


We got some 50 % coupons during the Grand Opening period. As usual, you have to be 21 to enter a bar. We ordered some extra meals to go for our kids to try. I will say that burgers are one of the signature American dishes. The burgers here are very classic! Fries are freshly made from potatoes. The portion of each meal size is large. The favors are very rich.

Menu 菜單
Menu 菜單
折價券 coupons


Americans LOVE sports….Just like the 24 hours politician TV talk shows in Taiwan….There’s no end… If there’s game for the night, it will be jam pack here. I guess it has becoming an American style. It is like the Izakaya in Japan and Karaoke in Taiwan. People love to hang out and relax in their own style.

提款機和點唱機 ATM and Juke Box
Did you see the size of this insane double grilled cheese sandwich burger? 這個份量有沒有太厲害了~一整個可以餵飽一家人(浮誇)
加蛋培根漢堡齁~一定要點 The Bacon egg burger is so yummy
Brand New Kitchen 全新的廚房
Love the Swiss Cheese and grilled mushrooms 瑞士起士加上現炒的蘑菇,超搭!