Easy Asian Chicken Salad 簡易亞洲風味雞肉沙拉

Are you a big fan of party or potluck? I AM! This is a crowd pleaser dish and super healthy, within budget, fast and easy, and supper yummy!


Also, this is great for super busy moms or students who want to make fast, easy, yummy, healthy meals in a budget too!


This is how you make it! 食譜如下:5~8 人份 For 5~8 people


How to :

  • take apart the chicken meats from the bones and tear it into pieces. keep the bones for making soup base if you’d like.
  • you can decide how much meat to put in. If you think the whole chicken is too much, save some meat in a ziplock bag and store in fridge. Then reheat with microwave oven for the next use. Storying in fridge is good for 1-2 days. If you wanna keep it longer, put it in freezer.
  • wash 2~3 heads of lettuce and cut into bite sizes. If it is pre-washed salad pack, you don’t do anything with it!
  • wash cilantros and pat dry with paper towels. cut into bite size.
  • mix Ponzu and Sesame oil( ratio is 1:1) I use about 1/3 cup of each in this recipe
  • bring a big bowl of salad bowl or any portable sealable container. Put washed cut lettuces or a pre-washed salad in the bowl.
  • spread the chicken meat on top of lettuce evenly.
  • sprinkle the cilantro evenly on top of the chicken meat to garnish and add more flavor to the salad.
  • keep the sauce in a container!! only to drizzle the sauce in the salad before eating!(if you mix the sauce in too early, the salad will look very watery and welting and sad)
  • mix the salad well before serving!
  • enjoy

**The left over bones from the chicken is great to make chicken broth or chicken noodle soup, or any other fast soup! I love how to utilize everything too the best!


  • 一整隻咖死扣烤好的雞
  • 2-3 顆蘿蔓心生菜 或是 一大包洗好切好的沙拉菜
  • 香菜一小把
  • Ponzu 柑橘醬油
  • 麻油


  • 把雞肉跟骨頭分開,把雞肉撕成雞絲狀,骨頭可以留下來熬湯。
  • 你可以決定放多少的肉上去,全下也可以,如果想要留一些下次用,請用密封袋裝好放在冰箱(可保存1-2日)冷凍(可保存一個禮拜),下次拿出來用微波爐加熱即可食用
  • 把蘿蔓心生菜洗乾淨瀝乾,切成約2~3公分一口可以吃的長度大小,如果是買現成洗好切好的生菜沙拉包就什麼都不用做
  • 香菜洗乾淨用紙巾拍乾,一樣切成一口可以吃的長度
  • 將Ponzu柑橘醬油和麻油以一比一的比例下去調成醬,這裡我用大約各用了1/3量杯
  • 拿一個乾淨的沙拉大碗,或是一個可以密封的大保鮮盒可以帶去聚餐,把洗好切好的生菜放進去
  • 在菜上均勻撲滿撕好的雞肉絲
  • 然後把香菜隨意的撲在雞肉絲上面,可以當裝飾也可以增添沙拉的風味
  • 如果要去聚餐的話,將調好的醬料放在一個密封的容器
  • 等到要吃之前才將醬料淋上沙拉!!!(很重要,不然等到開車去到現場你的沙拉會出水看起來爛爛的)
  • 攪拌均勻就可以上菜了!
