Gardening 有機菜園

Spring is here!! Yay….winter is not my favorite season coz it is too cold to play outside.  We have never had backyard before, so we decide to utilize our little backyard into a organic garden.  We are new in gardening, but luckily I had a chance to learn about gardening in education week back in August last year.  So, we are building this “raised bed square foot garden.”  It is supposed to be easy on maintaining and high yield with crops.  So….here we are….new in this gardening world!

春天到來了! 耶~漫長的冬天也過了! 以前我們住過的地方都沒有後院,所以一定要好好的善用這個機會來個有機小菜園阿!太開心了!我們是園藝的新手,不過好裡加在,我去年八月的時候有去BYU的教育周上課,學到很多有關用箱型加高的方型菜園,可以省力又有很好的豐收喔!!!! 所以~我們要開始當開心的小農夫呦!

Square Foot Garden
