This is what I have learned from the Education Week gardening classes……
1. Build your own square foot garden from non treated wood or vinyl. (Make sure you use screwed in nail or the wood may easily break off)
2. Put the box on top of wet cardboard or anything can segregate original soil from mixed garden soil.
3. Mix the soil (Peat Moss+Vermiculite+Compost)
4. Make grids on the square foot garden to better plan how to plant your crops
1. 用沒有化學加工的木頭或是玻璃纖維板做箱型加高式的種植床或方形菜園(要用螺絲釘鑽才不會把木頭弄裂)
2. 把釘好的方型菜園架在弄濕的紙箱上,或是防雜草的園藝布上,隔離混好的園藝土不要混進原本的土.(因為會有雜草)
3. 混栽培土 (泥煤苔+蛭石+堆肥混合物)
4. 在做好的方型菜園上架好格子(可以用線拉或木條釘)好規劃如何有效種植!
It is a 4×9 square foot garden. 這個方型菜園是4英呎X9英呎. |
This is 4×4 這個是4英呎x4英呎 |
Make sure you wet the cardboard really well to kill all the weeds! 一定要把紙箱浸濕,才可以把下面的雜草悶死! |
Peat Moss to keep the soil moist. 泥煤苔是讓土直保持濕度 |
Vermiculite is to keep the soil loose. 蛭石是讓土質鬆軟 |
Make sure you use different types of composts to balance nutrient 一定要用不同種的堆肥來平衡養分 |
Mix everything on canvas 拿個帆布在上面混好土 |
This is a great family project! 這是一個很好的家庭活動 |
Make sure to mix everything well. 一定要混好土 |
Pour the mix in 把混好的土到進去 |
Make grids on top for better planning 在方型菜園上架好格子,這樣就可以有效規劃菜圃 |