My talented girl! 多才多藝的妮妮!

My girl is 5 now.  When we came to the States 2 years ago, she couldn’t speak English.  But now, she can not only speak English fluently, but also read books and write poems in English.  She started to learn piano back in last summer, and she is learning it quite well.  The teacher here encourage students to participate in recitals, so then the kids won’t freak out when they have to play in public one day.  Kelani also participated in a short term creative dance class in the Provo center.  It is fun to see kids be able to show what they have learned in the class.  Even they are not like pro yet, it is also good for the kids to be more confident.  Kelani lost her confident 2 years ago due to the language barrier, but now she is finally picking up little by little from how other American kids who are so confident and be proud of what they do.

妮妮現在5歲. 兩年前, 我們剛來美國的時後,她還不會英文. 現在她不但用英文上學,還在班上的閱讀&寫作能力都比一般的美國的孩子還要強. 去年的暑假開始,她開始學鋼琴. 美國的老師常常舉辦演奏會讓孩子參與表演.這樣在未來,孩子就不會因為要在公眾的場合表演而怯場. 在冬末的時候,我也讓凱妮去這裡市立的短期舞蹈班上創意舞蹈.雖然很短,但是很便宜. 重點,在課程結束也有一個成果發表會.妮妮因為剛來美國有語言的障礙,所以失去了自信心.我覺得雖然這堂課並不會讓她的舞蹈突飛猛進,但是至少她可以跟其他的孩子互動,用掉多餘的精力,並且增加自信心. 妮妮也許在動作上面是最能跟上老師的動作,但是看看美國的孩子多麼的樂在其中,並且有自信的表達自己.

Festival of Music

The Powell’s came to her recital

Had to memorized the songs

She got 39 out of 40 for the first time participation

Before dance recital

Her partner-Sara