As a full time mom, coming to supermarkets for grocery shopping is a daily routing. But, we rarely come on Saturday evening to hang out as a family to stroll around.
When I was doing grocery shopping, I was usually very focused on finding good deals and picking fresh food. But my husband was literally strolling around the store. Then, he came to me…. “Do you wanna go check out that couple? I think he is Donny Osmond!”

廢話!有明星,豈有不去合照的事! 所以,立馬跑去很有禮貌的跟他小聊天!
WHAT?! DONNY OSMOND?! Of course….I ran to them and politely starting a conversation!
他跟他老婆超級有親和力的!唐尼還問了每個孩子叫什麼名字跟我們每一個人握手!還問說:“你知道我是誰嗎?” 小孩很不給面子的直接搖頭~ 哈 結果,唐尼就介紹他是迪士尼卡通裡面李將軍的聲音,然後就直接現場清唱一段~ “Let’s get down the busines………..” 哇賽~也太好聽了吧!真不愧是專業的歌手~
He and his wife were super friendly! He asked each kids name and shook hands with all of us. He asked the kids:” Do you know who I am?” Of course the kids answered by shanking their heads…..LOL! So then, Donny said that he was the voice for Captain Li in Disney Mulan movie! Then, he started to sing :” Let’s get down the business ………” Wow~ His voice was so clear and beautiful! No wonder he is a professional singer!
然後,我又很有禮貌的問可不可以跟他合影。他就說:”當然可以,如果你家可愛的小模特兒也入鏡,我很樂意跟你們合影” 他的太太非常專業的直接說:“我來幫你門拍照吧!”(我想他們太常被攔下來要求跟唐尼合影,她都快可以當攝影師了!哈哈哈)
Then, I asked him if we could have a photo with him. He said:” Sure, if these cute little models will join in the photos!” His wife offered to take a photo for us! How nice! ( I’m thinking maybe they got asked to have a photo with Donny alll the time….She could be a photographer by now! ha ha )

This was the coolest experience! Can you imagine shopping with a celebrity?