Scera Show- Little Mermaid Scera舞台劇- 小美人魚

Scera Center is a local non profit venue for musical plays, concerts, movies, events, and different activities. We have enjoyed their shows along the years we have lived here in Utah County. It is a family friendly environment that provides many shows and plays that are for younger audiences.

Scera 中心是一個當地的非營利的機構,常常有不同的舞台劇、演唱會、電影、活動、企劃案等。 我們住在猶他郡的這幾年都時常會去看表演! 這個中心是一個非常適合全家大小的地方,常常舉辦的舞台劇或是表演還專門設計演出給小朋友看的!非常的好看又專業。

Besides some musical, art, dance, vocal lessons they provide for kids, youths, and adults here at the center. It also provides community involvement like volunteers opportunities for the Youths over 12 years to work at the theater concession and box office. So then, the Youths will have a great service opportunity and also working attitude, responsibility training, and communication skills for future real job world.


My oldest was able to be part of the volunteer program and doing sub once in a while. When she does, we, the whole family, get to go to a movie or dressed rehearsal at the center. We get to have popcorns and drinks too! Yay! that’s definitely some great bonus!!


It happened that we got to go to the dressed rehearsal for the young audience show _ Disney’s Little Mermaid. There were not many people at this Thursday rehearsal show, so we could sit at the very front row…which never happened to us before. We could see the actors and actresses’ facial expression so well! They were in front of us some time!


We have been to their shows every year, and this one was probably one of the best! We love them all, but this one was just so great! Love the stage design, story, dances, and the funny part of when the Chef trying to kill the lobster as in the Disney movie. The chef was a girl, and she for sure did an amazing job! We laughed sooooo hard!


While we were watching, my little girl lit up her eyes while the Little Mermaid was dancing with the prince in a beautiful gown…..Oh man, she is truly a little girly girl! Little mermaid had to changed into so many different outfits! And it surprised us that the prince and Little mermaid were REALLY KISSING at the very end…..(cuz I was sitting in the very center of first row) wow….I wonder if they would become a couple after this show! lol!!

我們看到那段小美人魚換上公主裝跟王子跳舞的那段,我們家的小女兒整個眼睛都亮了!好仔細的看,臉上還充滿了幸福的微笑,真的是一個夢幻公主風的小女生!(跟我還有大女兒完全不像。。。)哈!這齣小美人魚換好多服裝喔!根本是服裝秀,然後到最後最後大結局,哇賽~超令人驚訝的~那個王子跟小美人真的親下去內~~我以為這是給小朋友看的!哈哈!我因爲坐在第一排最中間,所以看得很清楚~我很好奇他們會不會演完真的變情侶!!因為不是那種嘴巴碰在一起而已內~哇嗚~哈哈 粉紅泡泡

If you live in Utah County, this is definitely a great place for the family and kids! 如果你住在猶他郡,這個地方非常激推!適合全家大小!!