Spring in Utah 猶他的春天美景

我超喜歡拍照📷 我去旅遊不太需要買很多的紀念品,但一定要拍很多很美的照片,我想我喜歡拍照的原因說因為我覺得可以把那個時光瞬間記憶起來,畢竟人的記憶會消退,但用照片紀錄生活是最快也真實的方法!

I love taking photos. When I go traveling… I don’t have to buy a lot of souvenirs, but I love to take tons of photos. I think it is because I wanna keep the moments. People tend to forget when the time goes on, but having photos can help us remember and bring back the memories. Taking photos are one of the best way to keep the records of life!

這是我一年前拍的照片!可以完整的呈現猶他州的春天!藍天配上綻放的花朵…….Here are some of the photos I took a year ago! These can present the gorgeous spring scenery in Utah! The blue sky was the perfect match with the pink spring flowers on the trees!

Enjoy! 與你分享!