Tamashi Ramen in Orem Utah 魂 日式拉麵🍜 首試


We went to try out a new Japanese Ramen shop close by tonight ! Even it has been opened for four months, we haven’t had a chance to try it. Mostly because we are afraid it’s not very authentic…


During COVID-19, we have been eating at home most of the time. It has come to a bottle neck for eating only my own cooking. We just had to eat something different. We thought of going there to order to go. After we walked in and see the restaurant, we decided to sit down and eat. Not many people inside and the interior was pretty cozy!

sauce and spices 醬料


We ordered Takoyaki, Tonkatsu Ramen, Shrimps Tempura Ramen, and chicken Ramen.

章魚燒 Takoyaki


The takoyakis were pretty good. It came piping hot.. so be careful. The outside of the takoyaki was crusty and crispy while inside was soft and creamy. Yum!

Tonkotsu Ramen 豚骨拉麵🍜
shrimps ramen 炸蝦天婦羅拉麵
chicken ramen 雞肉拉麵


Me and my husband really liked the Tonkotsu Ramen’s soup broth. The half egg didn’t look as attractive at first, but the texture and taste was actually pretty good! But the Charshu pork was too thin and slightly too dry. It was way better than our expectations! The broth was creamy but not too salty nor greasy. We really like it! But the miso soup broth in kids’ shrimp tempura ramen and chicken ramen were not as good. It was a bit salty and had a bit of alcohol taste… not as smooth.. So if we will order again… we will for sure swap the soup broth to the tonkotsu soup base.


For being in Utah County, Tamashi ramen is a good place to try ramen!