Thanksgiving 2020 感恩節大餐

Little caterers and chefs in training for the feast!

Happy Thanksgiving 🍽🍁🦃

Food is not just food!

It is an art, an enjoyment, a way to learn to appreciate, build relationships, show love, and taste of memories.





I have been collecting lots of table setting items! Finally, we have a new house to use them! 我珍藏了好久收集了很多漂亮的鍋碗瓢盆,終於可以在新家通通派上用場了!

Making funeral potatoes ! 跟小朋友一起做焗烤馬鈴薯!

Green beans casseroles! 經典的感恩節的菜餚之一烤青豆

And mashed potatoes! Even though we had funeral potatoes are ready, kids still want to have some mashed potatoes! 還有必須要有的馬鈴薯泥

gotta have some pie! 必須要有拍才能算是感恩節!

小朋友吃的好開心喔! kids were so satisfied with the yummy food!