U Pick Fruit farm in Utah County 猶他郡的採水果農場


We love summer break for many reasons…… First…NO School! Lol! Then lots of carnivals and fireworks in different cities….. or just enjoy outside….. But, our family enjoys picking fruits at different farms in the whole summer. June is for cherries, July is for berries (black berries and raspberries) and apricots, August is for peaches, and September is for apples.

我們通常都去 Provo 往下開大概30分鐘的Payson 的 Rocky Top Farm 去摘水果,建議要殺去之前先去他的臉書網站看好開門的時間!

We have been going to Rocky Top Farm ( it has changed name before) in Payson. You need to check their FB page to see the schedules…..it changes….

地址Address: 8722 S 6200 W Parson UT

電話Tel: (801) 465-4408

農場主人的家,也就是秤斤算錢的地方。Farm owner’s house….where you pay for your fruits.

我們昨天晚上已經去摘了櫻桃,現在一磅 $1.50 , 可以刷卡!記得帶自己的袋子或桶子把櫻桃帶回家!他們家的櫻桃有兩種!一種是紅櫻桃,另一種是彩虹櫻桃

We went cherries picking already last night. It is $1.50 per pound. You can pay with credit cards. Make sure you bring your own container or bags to bring them home after weighting and paying. There are two kinds of cherries there. One is the red cherries, and the other one is the Rainier cherries.

Two kinds of cherries! 兩種櫻桃


Also, make sure you put on bug repellent spray!!! and maybe sunscreen too!

我會陸續分享其他的果園農場! I will be sharing some other U-Pick Farm info through out the summer!

The farm owner is a breeder of this cute goldendoodle. Some puppies are black and some are golden cream colors! So adorable! 農場主人的狗生了一批小狗是黃金獵犬和貴賓的混種。有黑色有金色的!很可愛!
On the way to the farm….. 去農場的路上
有些枝葉長得很低,孩子們也摘得到!Some of the cherries are low and nice for kiddos to pick easily!