Utah Pasifika Festival 猶他州玻里尼西亞節

五月底美國有一個連續假期叫做 Memorial Days。就是台灣的掃墓節~他們是紀念那些為國家打仗犧牲的軍人,因為有他們的犧牲才有今天自由富裕的美國~ 美國人很愛戶外的活動,這個時節剛好是天氣開始進入初夏,大家都很愛去郊遊健行爬山做戶外活動,然後也是烤肉季節的開始,就是從五月底的Memorial Days 開始到九月的 Labor’s Day (勞工節)之間都是超適合戶外烤肉露營的好時節!下次再介紹美國烤肉的厲害,完全不是像我們小時候在台灣中秋烤肉克難蹲在地上烤的那種。因為這週末是連假,有不同的大型活動和家庭聚會,其中一個就是玻里尼西亞節。

The end of May is the Memorial Days. Besides mourning for those deceased soldiers, there are also lots of activities going on for the families to enjoy time together. General speaking, between Memorial Day to Labor’s Day is the BBQ season. So….I can imagine people gather as family and friends to do outdoor BBQ EVERYWHERE! One of the big event happening this weekend is the Utah Pasifika Festival.


What’s a Utah Pasifika Festival? It is the celebration and gathering of the islander people from the Pacific islands. There are lots of dance performances from different island cultures, vendors of all kinds selling the clothing and accessories of island style, and of course the food vendors!!!

以前的老師 Kaipo was the Humu for the Halau we participated


I went to college in Hawaii, so it was like a second home to me. Therefore, I have special connections to the Islanders. Me and my girl used to be in a Halau (hula dance group). We had chances to perform at the festival couple years ago too. This was my first time not performing and just enjoy the festival! It was for sure a nice relaxing night!


Kids wanna try some other snacks and watch different performances today too~

地點: Provo 舊城區靠近猶他郡政府辦公樓旁邊,NuSkin 和 Provo市中心聖殿的對面。

Location: Provo Down Town by the Utah County Office. Across street from the NuSkin and Provo Down Town Temple.