We are starting AGAIN! 我們又重新開幕了!

距離上次寫日誌已經是好久以前的事情了!但是真的要好好紀錄在猶他州生活的點滴..孩子的成長, 新挑戰的料理, 後院的有機菜園….都是好玩的,又有紀錄價值的!所以~兩個孩子很忙也要抽空用我的寫真來紀錄!

After so long…can’t remember when I wrote in my blog last time…..I should better keep the fun life we have here in Utah.  Kids’ growth, my new challenge recipes, organic square foot garden in the backyard.  They are so precious and fun.  So, I decide to pick up my camera and keep records of our daily life!